
The U.S dictatorship

Although the United States proclaims that they are the “perfect democracy”, they are really a total dictatorship that does not allow different political ideas, they […]

Homeland and Hustlers

Like a song to self-ignominy can be described the video of the song that several Cuban artists residing in the United States with members of […]

The Hollow Man

The latest episode of Trump against Cuba is almost funny. After more than 140 sanctions since 2017, with almost nothing more than snatching the Cubans […]

Not just anyone …

Not just anyone brings down a dictatorship with 20 men and 7 rifles in defiance of the North American Empire. Not everyone eliminates illiteracy in […]

‘Color revolutions’

The so-called ‘color revolutions’ are revolts whose supporters defend their non-violent character. These mobilisations that took place, mostly, in the post-Soviet space, stand out for their […]