
Cuban Children Return to the Classroom, Happy and Eager for another School Year

Millions of children around the World today, go without free access to education.

“Cuban children, without exception, have a classroom to go to every September,this is one of Cuba’s greatest and most admirable achievements. All children matter, from the most remote mountain community to the busiest of cities. And that fact fills us with pride. Every September, Cuba proves that nothing is impossible because no child or person eager to learn will be left behind”

How the Cuban government and people collaborated on the Family Code

Cuba passed one of the world’s most progressive codes on families on September 25 last year. All in one go, the small island nation legalised same-sex marriage, defined and upheld the rights of children, the disabled, caregivers, the elderly, and redefined “family” along ties of affinity rather than blood. This opens the concept of “family” to include non-traditional forms of familial relations, which exist outside the model of the heterosexual nuclear family.

60 years of Cuban international medical solidarity

Cuban medical solidarity is one of the few shining points in global health. Hundreds of thousands of people have survived outbreaks of infectious diseases, and millions more were guaranteed access to basic care, thanks to Cuba’s dedication to supporting sister countries.

World Health Assembly: The World Should Be More like Cuba

“We will continue to prioritize development based on science, the health of the people over wealth, solidarity over selfishness in harsh times, despite the economic crisis, pandemics, and blockade,” the minister concluded. The world should be more like Cuba to become a better place.

Cuba in all its diversity

Cuba never lost its compass amidst challenges and difficulties, nor did it stop thinking about its future, which was particularly reflected in the approval of the Code of Families, the intense legislative schedule and the recent municipal elections, which undoubtedly constituted relevant moments in the national political agenda.

Cuba? – When is the Monroe Doctrine going to die?

The Monroe Doctrine is one of the many means by which the United States has been expanding its hegemonic eagerness over the Latin American and Caribbean region since the early stages of its existence as a nation, Rodriguez pointed out. Over the years, he added, this policy has been reworked and adjusted.