‘Giving us oxygen’: Italy turns to Cuba to help revive ailing health system
Almost 500 Cuban health workers deployed across Calabria amid severe shortage of doctors
Almost 500 Cuban health workers deployed across Calabria amid severe shortage of doctors
Cuba’s medical internationalism is world renowned but especially in Palestine. One of the largest contingents at Cuba’s Latin American School of Medicine is from Palestine. BT’s Kei Pritsker spoke to Palestinian students at ELAM about why they admire Cuba’s medical solidarity so much.
If the United States is serious about liberty and justice for all, respect for international law, and a rules based order that treats everyone fairly and even-handedly, it’s time to ditch the doctrine and its corollaries.
On November 2, the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly for a resolution calling on the US to lift the trade embargo against Cuba that President John Kennedy imposed in 1962. The US and Israel were the only two nations to vote no, with Ukraine abstaining. Total dependence creates total compliance.
Cuba’s Human Rights Achievements are Highlighted in Geneva
Brussels, Nov 17, The ruling against the U.S. blockade of Cuba issued in the European Parliament by an international court opens a new stage of struggle against that policy.
A crime against human and international law that has gone unpunished for more than 60 years will finally come before an international court in Brussels on Thursday. The two-day tribunal in the Belgian capital is about the longest and most extensive economic, trade and financial blockade ever imposed against a people.
The word ineffective that I used is about the gentlest that can be used in describing how problematic the U.S. democracy is. Others use far stronger terms in reference to the American supposedly liberal democracy such as ‘broken’, ‘cracking’ or ‘failed’. Anyone may confirm it reviewing publications and opinions expressed by people, American citizens inclusive. Perhaps, to make what I have just written more tangible let me refer you to an October 2022 Quinnipiac University poll. In line with its findings 69% of Democrats and 69% of Republicans thought the nation’s democracy was on the brink of collapse. And the figure for independents was 66%.
A Message from a Doctor Working in Gaza Who Graduated in Cuba
Cuba’s president has strongly condemned Israel’s genocidal campaign in the Gaza Strip and blamed Israel and the United States for 75 years of occupation and violating the “inalienable” rights of the Palestinians.