
Cuba to assist in Turkey-Syria quake relief

Cuban authorities in Havana on Friday evening confirmed that 32 medics were set to depart for Turkey. Earlier in the week, Syrian ambassador Ghassan Obeid told Cuban media that 27 Cuban medics would be headed to Syria.

For the Welfare of the People of US and Cuba – Cooperation in Health Treatments Must Accelerate

In addition to the vaccine against lung cancer, Cuba has developed effective treatments for prostate cancer, the second most common cancer in the United States. Cuban scientists also developed Herberprot-P, a unique-in-the-world drug, to cure diabetic foot ulcers. There is something criminal about the reality that over 70,000 Americans have leg amputations per year; something Heberprot – P could eliminate but it is not available in the US..

Fidel, in all dimensions of the Revolution

Rooted in the most intimate fiber of the Cuban nation, Fidel continues to accompany us since survival. There is no metaphor in that statement, but rather the absolute certainty that his rebellious spirit survives in the daily life of a country that does not renounce the construction of the social, emancipatory and humanist work that is the Revolution.