
Marco Rubio Redbaits Cuban-American Activists Protesting U.S. Sanctions in Miami

Miami is known as the bastion of Cuban-American hardliners. But many in Miami don’t support U.S. sanctions on Cuba. Every month Cuban-American activists gather to call for an end to the embargo and better relations with Cuba. Their message of reconciliation has angered pro-embargo politicians like Marco Rubio, who has called for an F.B.I. investigation.

Aleida Guevara, Che’s daughter — “We can simply be useful and we are”

Aleida Guevara, daughter of the Che, talks about her experience with Cuba’s international medical brigades and the importance of solidarity among peoples: “That gives you extraordinary force as a people, truly, because you can say ‘We are capable, we are capable of going to any place in the world where our help is needed’. Neither their skin color, nor their religion matter, not even what they think matters. It doesn’t matter. We can simply be useful and we are. That is one of the most beautiful things of the socialist revolution.”

Cuba’s Foreign Minister: US Hostility Towards Cuba Hurts Both Countries

Cuba’s Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez sat down with BT’s Rania Khalek following the UN General Assembly to discuss why so many countries oppose the U.S. blockade, how U.S. official hostility towards Cuba hurts both countries and his own personal history volunteering in the liberation struggle of Angola against racist apartheid.