Cuba’s beekeepers have favorably fulfilled the plan for the production of honey, beeswax and propolis after the first six months of 2020 concluded, it was reported in this Cuban province.
Bruno Garcia, general director of the Cuban beekeeping company (APICUBA), told Prensa Latina that the respective productions of these three products after concluding the first six months of 2020 are in the average order of 109%, 105% and 111%.
Garcia commented that honey is an exportable item within the Ministry of Agriculture and ‘after tobacco and charcoal, beekeeping is what contributes the most to the ministry, and it is one of the productions the country counts on for exports.’
‘Matanzas is the largest honey-producing province in Cuba. Historically and according to statistics from more than three decades ago, the territory averages represents more than 17% of the country’s harvest,’ the official said.
In accordance with specialized literature, honey has numerous benefits for human health; beeswax is used as an ingredient for ointments, medicines, soaps and bitumens; and propolis strengthens the immune system.
Source: Prensa Latina