Two months after the terrorist Alazo Baró shot up the Cuban embassy in Washington, the complicit silence of the Trump administration, and the impunity afforded his mentors, indicate that violence will continue to be part of U.S. government policy toward Cuba
The United States government has been the main organizer and sponsor of terrorism in the world, since the country’s emergence as a power with aspirations of universal hegemony.
Over the course of contemporary history, this nation has created, structured and provided support to all kinds of self-proclaimed paramilitary and terrorist groups around the world, while providing assistance to dictatorial governments that used terror as a tool of repression against their people.
The terrorist war unleashed against Cuba was conceived as state policy. The countless military, economic, biological, diplomatic, psychological, propagandistic and espionage attacks, the sabotage and attempts to physically eliminate leaders of the revolutionary process, are part of an official strategy developed and implemented by the White House to defeat the Revolution and end the construction of socialism on the island.
The overwhelming evidence that has been reviewed so many times: the hijacking of airplanes, which before 1959 had no precedent in the world, was a method devised and used precisely by the CIA in its program of terrorist actions that began with the triumph of the Cuban Revolution. The toll of 3,478 dead and 2,099 disabled Cubans, victims of this violent plan, are more than enough to make clear the serious consequences of these crimes.
Two months after the terrorist Alazo Baró shot “to kill” at the Cuban embassy in Washington, the complicit silence of the U.S. government indicates that the story is to be continued.
The motivations that inspired the mercenary and his puppeteers in Miami are products of the policy of tolerance, complicity and encouragement of hatred that for years allowed the likes of Orlando Bosch, Posada Carriles and other criminals, tutored by the U.S. government, to act with complete freedom.
Both the impunity with which these extremists act, and the absence of a reaction on the part of the Trump administration to the seriousness of an armed assault on a foreign diplomatic headquarters, silently answer the basic question: Who really sponsors terrorism?
Invariably, Cuba takes the high road, responding by offering lessons, amidst the COVID-19 crisis, and looking to the ethical protection of Martí’s ideas: “Those where hatred or intolerance are preached, fall down in time: but temples? Now more than ever, temples of love and humanity are needed, to unleash all that is generous in man, and subdue all that is crude and vile in him.”
Source: Granma